Design Registration

Process from Design Application to Registration

The process of obtaining a design right is roughly as shown on the right. It takes about 6 to 8 months from filing to obtaining a design right provided that it depends on the field.

To make a design right be effective, it is preferable to take advantage of the related design (similar design) right, and design consultation before filing is important. In addition, one of the strategic uses of a design is to utilize the secret design system, and it is advisable to discuss this before filing the application.

Process after Registration

To acquire and maintain a design right, you must pay a registration fee to Japanese Patent Office. One year’s fee (or one to three years’ fees) is paid after the registration is granted, and two years’ fees (or four years’ fees) and any subsequent years’ fees are paid in advance. A design right expires after 25 years from the filing date of the application for registration.